To watch two video testimonies, they are found at:
I first went to Whispers of Hope for a few weekend visits. The calm of nature combined with unplugging from the information overload of the outside world made for a wonderful environment to hear God speak to my heart. When I was finally at an emotional place to step into counseling, the encouraging staff helped me set up an intensive counseling session. Aptly named, this brought discussion, reading, exercises and a lot of self-reflection. God slowly peeled away the layers of painful emotions and experiences surrounding my heart. Graciously and gently, He gave me insight into the deceptive perceptions I had bought into, carried, and defined myself with for years. For much of my life I felt that there was something wrong with me, that there was some kind of invisible monster making me innately unworthy of acceptance. I made a list a mile long of past events to “prove” this theory correct. Analyzing that list with my counselor through how God sees me, I discovered the truth about myself. In Christ, I find my true identity as a daughter of the King of Kings, a cherished treasure and a source of His joy. Laurie
I am a mom of three small kids, work full-time and have a supportive husband. My level of burnout was affecting my entire family and I didn’t know what to do about it. I was telling a coworker how stressed out I was and she suggested I check out Whispers of Hope. My first question was, “How much does it cost?” When I heard there was no cost, I had some hope for the first time in years. Money is very tight for us. My husband encouraged me to call, so I reserved three days in Selah House. I read, slept, walked, journaled, enjoyed the animals and reconnected with Jesus. The rest I got and time for reflection without interruption was huge, and I went home with a better perspective and renewed strength. The door is open for me to return as needed and I will definitely take advantage of that when I start to feel overwhelmed again. It’s a beautiful ministry! Taylor
The Lord opened the doors for me to go to Whispers of Hope for biblical counseling. There I found a counselor who compassionately walked me through seeing where I held unforgiveness in my heart. I also saw where I had developed a hard heart with thick walls for self-protection. I needed to humbly bring all of that before the Lord in repentance and for healing. I now see how the hurts from others produced deep anger, bitterness, and resentment in my heart, which I put on my family. I felt justified with my poor words and behaviors, not seeing them as sin. I am learning that I need to be in prayer for those who sin against me, both forgiving them and praying for their healing. With time I came to see that my anger and bitterness toward others was actually not “punishing” them as I had hoped, rather it was holding my life in a prison as I sank quietly into hidden depression. I am hopeful for the freedom I will continue to find as I bring my hurts to the Lord, seeking His help to forgive, love, and pray for others. Hopeful
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:31).
I was in a season of feeling really stuck in some painful areas in my life, finding myself treating the pain but not the sources of the pain. I am so grateful that the Lord led me to Whispers of Hope for intensive counseling! We talked about some loss that I was currently facing as well as some very difficult things that started when I was younger, impacting how I was dealing with life today. The Lord worked so gently through my counselor as she provided me with a safe place to talk. She also gave me many exercises that really got to the root of where I was so stuck. Since those amazing two days, I have had the opportunity to ask forgiveness, extend true forgiveness, and to reconcile some very important relationships. God has also given me a renewed hope for the future in some areas that previously seemed quite hopeless. I thank God for the amazing work He is doing through Whispers of Hope! Kathy
I went to Whispers of Hope to reconnect with Christ and take time to reflect on my issues and restoration. While there I experienced peace that renewed me physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The staff was a community of women who walked alongside me with Christ-centered counseling, prayer, encouragement, a hug, and a helping hand. Through the breeze in the trees and the calm of nature, the quiet farm setting embraced me so I could be “still” and stop running as I heard the whispers of God telling me that I am loved. I could take off the masks I wore and be exposed, vulnerable, and raw to my own sin. My past was released at the feet of Jesus where there is no condemnation for those who love Him (Romans 8:1).
“His Beloved - She uses her lips for truth. She uses her voice for kindness. She uses her ears for compassion. She uses her hands for charity. She uses her heart for love. And for those who do not like her, she uses prayer.” Ashley
I was 28 and needed to get away to a safe place as I was so rebellious with deep wounds. I had no money or mental health insurance, but I could go to Whispers of Hope for intensive counseling…because it’s free. Looking back, I know my parents were my greatest supporters, but in my pain, I made them the problem. In my rebellion, everything about me was toxic as I blamed others for what was wrong in my life. I learned that it was actually driven by deep ignored root experiences. I carried a shattered heart since childhood from recurring sexual abuse. Without knowing it, I built secret walls around my hurting heart to keep the pain out, but I was actually keeping the pain in. The walls grew until I became so angry and bitter, screaming inside for someone to please see the “real me,” a wounded child so in need of love and NOT judgment. In counseling we peeled away the hurtful layers one by one, and I was able to face my buried pain. The Bible had the answers for what I had been looking for and how I could lay down my deepest guilt. I had believed the deception that I was responsible for the abuse that happened to me as a girl. By forgiving my abuser I took control. I never understood that forgiveness took away the hook he continued to have on my life. He and what he did no longer has power to define and control me. It doesn’t change what happened in the past, but I am now walking without self-condemnation and the feelings of worthlessness that I could never shake off. I have exchanged that for God’s opinion of me…loved, worthy and not guilty! Sarah
“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord’” (Romans 12:19).
I used to have such a hard time thinking of God as my Abba, my Daddy. That wall is breaking down. Since I left Whispers of Hope after an intensive counseling session, I have experienced calmness and serenity. My struggles aren’t gone but I now have hope. Realizing that God loves me and that He is truly in control leads me to the truth that I cannot mess up His plans with my mistakes. He extends incredible grace, mercy, and love with such tenderness. I was always thinking I had to do everything right or it would all fall down. I now see how I was in a constant state of chaos. I feel such freedom and I haven't even fully stepped out into the freedom I know God has for me. I just needed to get out of His way. I cannot thank my counselor enough for having the guts and the love and the perseverance to speak truth to me. Thank you to every single one of you at the Farm who cared for me. God's fragrances of freedom. I cannot wait. And I have refused to wait. I am ready. I am not rushing. I am trusting God and taking care of today. No pressure, no stress, no worry. Just watching God. Enjoying His embrace. And when I fall off the cliff, I get up. I’m not doing this life alone! A thankful daughter of the one true God and King
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 49:29-31).