The Farm is more than grounds, buildings, and women…it’s also home to our dog, cats, chickens, goats, donkeys, and horses. Our gentle and friendly animals provide many women with a sense of safety and familiarity. Our inside dog is a miniature goldendoodle that is both hypoallergenic and doesn’t shed. She came to the Farm as a puppy during our first year and has snuggled with hundreds of women. The horses enjoy human interaction but are not for riding. While the goats are fun to watch run up and down on their playground, they also help clear the woods of buckthorn.


  • We are not a certified animal therapy program; however, there can be emotional benefits for those who choose to interact with the animals alongside our Property Manager Suzanne. 

  • Regarding chores, a sense of accomplishment can be experienced as women care for the animals responsibly.

  • For some, this may provide a second opportunity to build confidence in caregiving and nurturing that may have been lost.

  • Hands-on contact with the animals, whether by feeding, grooming, or walking them, can develop a relationship of respect and trust. This may result in feelings of acceptance, being needed, and loved unconditionally.
