During a year of prayer prior to purchasing the farm, the cofounders were led to have Whispers of Hope function under the following principles. A book that encouraged us to follow these principles is George Muller - Delighted in God by Roger Steer. It’s a fascinating journey through his life in the 1800s as he fed, clothed, and educated nearly 10,000 orphans in England while relying on prayer alone to meet every need.
We do not ask for financial donations or fundraise, we pray
We do not use government money
We are all volunteers or have an option to raise personal support
There is no cost for all women receiving any of our services
We tithe 10% of all donations to other ministries supporting women
We are governed by an Executive Board consisting of seven people with varied backgrounds. They meet quarterly to safeguard our founding principles and provide oversight for all components of the ministry.
We are not affiliated with any particular denomination or church. However, we interact with a diverse representation of the Body of Christ who share our statement of faith and our vision.